MaxLite’s PhotonMax GH Series line, offer’s 4 Science-based spectra solutions, available in 600W, 360W, and covering the voltage ranges from 120-277V and 347-480V.
BPRX-Broad Par with Heavy 660NM
MaxLite’s most comprehensive spectrum, a full spectrum solution with a beautiful color at 4200K, offers cultivars the ability to target the most effective portions of the PAR (400-500) and (600-700) driving photosynthesis with a clean white light. The BPRX spectrum is the best of both worlds with a PAR focused spectrum that alleviates the need for additional lighting for general plant care and crop maintenance
BXRF-Blue 450nm with Heavy Red 660nm and Far Red 730nm
Our most photosynthetically efficient spectrum that focuses on driving photosynthesis at a very high level. Offering a focused spectrum in the red (600-700NM) and blue (400-500) regions. Also including far red (700-750) for its ability to drive certain photomorphogenic responses.
FSRF-Full Spectrum with Heavy Red 660nm and far red 730nm
MaxLite’s full spectrum solution for those looking for a photosynthetically efficient focused spectrum, while at the same time FSRF’s spectrum allows growers to adequately asses their crops visually. Including far red, for those looking for the benefits in the (700-750) range for driving certain photomorphogenic responses. Offering a balanced spectrum from 400-730 NM for driving crop growth. This spectrum can be used as sole source and as supplemental lighting in a greenhouse.
This spectrum can be used as sole source and as
supplemental lighting in a greenhouse.
BPRF-Broad Par with Heavy 660nm and Far Red 730nm
A comprehensive spectrum solution, similar to the MaxLite BPRX spectrum with 730nm included. Allows users to take advantage of far red, for driving certain photomorphogenic responses in various plant species while providing all of the same benefits of our BPRX spectrum.